If you have any enquiries or comments please feel free to contact us via email: info@vernonmountpark.ie
For the attention of:
Ger Lehane
Research & PRO
Brendan Kelleher
Project Manager.
Tony Foy
Please support the Grange Frankfield Partnership, which represents Vernon Mount Park, using one of the following options.
Donate via Paypal by clicking on the button below.
Direct Lodgment to Permanent TSB, Douglas.
Bank Identifier (BIC): IPBSIE2DXXX
IBAN: IE66IPBS99070623229821
Forward cheque, postal order or draft by post to:
Grange Frankfield Partnership,
c/o G. Lehane, No. 3 Amberley Green, Grange, Douglas, Cork.
We will acknowledge all contributions.
Please fill out our enquiry / comment form below and we will contact you: